Creating social impact: A showcase of social enterprises in England

This showcase was written by Ellora Kowalczyk.

The Showcase of Social Enterprises has been developed to celebrate and promote the incredible organisations that participated in the Enterprise Development Programme (EDP), and their enterprises. 

The EDP aimed to build financial resilience and foster innovation and greater impact across multiple charitable sectors – Black and Minoritised communities, environment, equality, homelessness, mental health, and youth. The Programme (EDP) aimed to empower charities to diversify their income to include profit generating initiatives toincreases agency and resilience.

With this Showcase, we hope to reach potential customers within the charity sector, funders, social investors, and any organisation that wishes to find services and products that fund social change. Additionally, the Showcase of Social Enterprises aims to create a hub that increases knowledge sharing and encourages connection building amongst communities and organisations.

Please note this is not an exhaustive list of all EDP organisations, but rather a snapshot of those who chose to be in this catalogue. 

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