CRAE – See It, Say It, Change it project

CRAE’s See it, Say it, Change it project gives children and young people a chance to tell their side of the story to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child when it examines the UK Government in 2016 on how well it is realising children’s rights.

See it, Say it, Change it is being led by a steering group of children and young people, aged between 7 and 17 years, from across England. This group have helped to plan an online survey (which closed on 18 May 2015) and will be conducting research with their peers. CRAE will also be supporting them to campaign on the recommendations made by the UN to ensure they are acted upon by the government so that children’s rights are realised in England.

You can read more about CRAE’s See It, Say It, Change it project and children’s rights here.

For more information on the See it, Say it, Change it project please contact Maria Stephens

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