In 2013, the Council of Europe’s Committee of experts on the reform of the European Court of Human Rights (DH-GDR) published an open call for information and views on the issue of the longer-term reform of the system of the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights.
This process follows on from the Brighton Declaration, adopted at a High-level conference in April 2012. It is intended to be open and inclusive, allowing questions to be raised and examined concerning all aspects of the Convention system and the Court. The results of this work will eventually be included in a report of the Steering Committee for Human Rights (CDDH), to be submitted by 15 April 2015 to the Council of Europe Committee of Minister.
The deadline for submitting contributions was 27 January 2014.
NGO responses and resources
Amnesty International and the International Commission of Jurists response
Law Society response
UK Race and Europe Network (UKREN) response
Building on Brighton: a foundation for the future of the European Court of Human Rights? (PDF) by Angela Patrick, JUSTICE Journal 2012, p32-51.