Citizens Commission on Islam, Participation and Public Life: Missing Muslims report

The increasing absence of Muslims from British civil society is a growing problem in the UK, says a July 2017 report from the Citizens Commission on Islam, Participation and Public Life.

Missing Muslims – Unlocking British Muslim Potential for the Benefit of All includes recommendations for community and faith institutions, the business sector and Government.

In particular, the Government is urged to agree formal definition of anti-Muslim prejudice to tackle discrimination.

Neil Jameson, executive director of Citizens UK (who commissioned the report) said:

‘This Commission is absolutely not about seeking ‘special treatment’ for British Muslims. Rather it is an ambitious and timely attempt to find ways of encouraging full and active participation in public life for all communities, challenging the systems and narratives that threaten this, and promoting the many examples of good practice by our Muslim communities that the Commission has heard up and down the country.’

Read coverage from the Guardian, the Independent and the Telegraph – or the Citizens UK press release.

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