Centre for International Governance report: Brexit and Human Rights

‘Human rights activists, and anyone concerned with the protection of civil liberties and fundamental rights within UK law and policy, will need to be vigilant in the post-Brexit era.’

Colm O’Cinneide, UCL has written a February 2018 paper on Brexit and Human Rights for the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI).

The paper looks at:

  • The potential impact of Brexit on existing EU legislative protection for human rights
  • The potential impact of Brexit on the legal status of the general principles of EU law and the CFR
  • The legal mechanisms that the EU (Withdrawal) Bill provides

It concludes that Brexit is rights neutral when considered on its own terms. However, Brexit makes it possible for certain EU rights-protective standards to be diluted, amended or repealed over time.

Read the report in full (pdf).

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