Centre for Ageing Better report: Inequalities in Later Life

For people aged 46 – 65, those in the highest 20% income bracket have a household income about three times greater than the bottom 20%. For people aged 66 – 85, the difference is more than double.

This is found by a December 2017 report from the Centre for Ageing Better:  Inequalities in Later Life (pdf).

The report aims to review current literature on the nature of inequalities for those age 50+, and answer three questions:

  1. What is the scale and nature of inequalities in outcomes in later life in England?
  2. What are the most significant influences on these outcomes?
  3. What is the quality and strength of the evidence on inequalities in later life, and where are the particular gaps or limitations in the evidence base?

It focuses on six key ares:  subjective wellbeing; physical and mental health; life expectancy and healthy life expectancy; financial security; social connections; and home and living environment.

Read a summary or the full report (pdf).

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