Category: Gender

Government Equalities Office policy paper and upcoming consultation: The Future Operation of Civil Partnership – Gathering Further Information

The Government Equalities Office announced that it will consult on the future of civil partnerships.

This is from their May 2018 policy paper (pdf) which sets out  plans for a new consultation to assess whether there is still enough demand for civil partnerships among same-sex couples, now that marriages are available to them.  And whether there is demand for civil partnerships amongst opposite-sex couples.

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End Violence Against Women response: Domestic Violence and Abuse Bill Consultation

‘The proposals [for the Domestic Violence and Abuse Bill] are narrow and still fail to guarantee women will be protected’. 

This is according to April 2018 response from End Violence Against Women (EVAW) on the proposed Domestic Violence and Abuse Bill (pdf).

EVAW encourages others to read their working response to the consultation and make their own submissions. The consultation closes on 31 May 2018.

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Business in the Community survey: Equal Lives Project 2018

‘44% of fathers lied or altered the truth to their employers about family life conflicting with work.’ This is according to The Equal Lives project, from the Business in the Community.

The project has launched an April 2018 online survey for men who balance work and care responsibilities.

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Women and Equalities Committee inquiry: Sexual harassment in the workplace

‘More than 40% of women and more than 18% of men have experienced some form of unwanted sexual behaviour in the workplace’, says the Women and Equalities Committee (WEC). 

WEC have launched a full  February 2018 inquiry on sexual harassment in the workplace and they are inviting submissions of written evidence.

This inquiry will sit alongside their related inquiry on the Sexual harassment of women and girls in public places.

WEC are inviting written evidence specifically on:

How widespread sexual harassment in the workplace is, and whether this has increased or decreased over time
Who experiences sexual harassment in the workplace, who perpetrates it and what the impact is on different groups
Actions that the Government and employers should be taking to change workplace culture to prevent sexual harassment, give people more confidence to report sexual harassment, and make this issue a higher priority for employers
How workers can be better protected from sexual harassment by clients, customers and other third parties
The effectiveness and accessibility of tribunals and other legal means of redress and what can be done to improve those processes
the advantages and disadvantages of using non-disclosure agreements in sexual harassment cases, including how inappropriate use of such agreements might be tackled.
Find out more on the WEC website.

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Women and Equalities Committee inquiry: Women in Executive Management

‘There is significant under-representation of women in executive levels’, says the Women and Equalities Committee (WEC).  

As a result, WEC  have launched a follow-up 2017 inquiry into women in executive management.

The committee will build on its recent work on this issue with a one-off evidence session looking at:

How the situation for women in senior roles has changed since the Committee last took evidence
The barriers to women achieving senior positions
The measures being taken by organisations to improve the situation
Effectiveness of Government action to date and what further Government action is needed.
Find out more on the WEC website.

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