Category: Brexit

The House of Commons logo.

House of Commons Library research briefing: Brexit – Parliament’s Role in Approving and Implementing Agreements with the European Union

There is no domestic legal or constitutional requirement for a vote to be held in Parliament to approve the Withdrawal Agreement before it is concluded by the UK and the EU under Article 50 of the Treaty on the European Union (TEU).

This is from the May 2018 research briefing from the House of Commons Library on the role of parliament in the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill. 

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The EDF logo.

Brexit, Equality and the Repeal Bill: Briefing for Members

This briefing considers the effect of the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill (the Bill) and the risks and opportunities it presents to equality and human rights law. It outlines areas where the EDF proposes to support amendments to the Bill which aim to achieve our policy objectives, which are to:

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