Category: Brexit

EU Funding After Brexit: Shared Prosperity Must Mean Shared Rights

Over the last forty years, European Union funding has provided a safety net for people facing inequality and discrimination and offered them a chance to make their lives better.

This funding will end when the UK leaves the EU.

In this briefing, Liz Shannon, our parliamentary and policy adviser looks at the future of funding following our exit from the European Union.

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EDF Gendering Brexit Blog series: What Will Brexit Mean for Survivors of Domestic Abuse?

As Theresa May pledges to bring a decade of austerity to a close, it comes too late for the 6 in 10 women who were turned away from refuges last year, following funding cuts to domestic violence services. Increased waiting lists have left women facing a terrible decision: sleep rough, or return home to violent partners.

So what does Brexit mean for the 1.2 million women throughout England and Wales who will likely experience domestic abuse this year? What changes, both good and bad, can we expect?

Stacey Lamb, the Growth and Operations Officer at Just Fair,  contributes this blog on the implications of Brexit on domestic abuse for the Gendering Brexit Blog series.

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EDF Gendering Brexit Blog series: Brexit, Gender Equality and Scotland – Opportunity or Threat?

The Brexit referendum has, once again put equality under the spotlight with the dominant political rhetoric being for Scotland to distinguish itself in the areas of equality and human rights and forge its position as a global leader. 

This is from Professor Nicole Busby from the University of Strathclyde on the implications of Brexit for gender equality in Scotland, for our Gendering Brexit Blog series.

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EDF Gendering Brexit Blog series: “Don’t Worry, Women’s Rights and Equality are Already Embedded within our Legal Framework” – A Feminist Reading of Brexit Myths and Narratives

Just like the 2008 financial crisis, Brexit could be an opportunity to re-assert the centrality of core values such as equality and diversity. And yet, neither the UK government nor the EU have acknowledged their respective role in ensuring socio-economic rights in a post-Brexit settlement.

This is from our second contributor,  Professor Roberta Guerrina at the University of Surrey who questions the exclusion of feminist voices from the Brexit negotiations. 

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