Case Law

This section contains information about cases that have interpreted the meaning and implications of the Equality Duty.

The section below headed ‘Leading cases’ describes some of the most important cases concerning the Equality Duty. These are the cases that set out how the Equality Duty should be interpreted. Although many of them concern the interpretation of the former race, gender and disability duties the same principles still apply as both the previous duties and the present Equality Duty depend on the correct interpretation of the duty to have ‘due regard’ to the equality ground in question. These cases are set out in date order as they were heard, in order to show how the principles have been developed by the Courts as they consider a variety of different situations.

The section headed ‘Recent cases’ describes cases that are of interest but have been less critical in establishing the principles for interpreting the Duty. These cases are set out with the most recent first.

Leading Cases

Recent Cases


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