Business in the Community report: Equal Lives

83% of men with caring responsibilities believe that organisations should provide considerable support for employees who look after children or dependent adults, but only 43% believe their employer does this.

This is from the September 2018 report (pdf) from Business in the Community, in partnership with Santander, on the roles of women and men in caring responsibilities.

Equal Lives provides evidence that men themselves are looking for change. Men want to do more and organisations that enable that will unlock greater engagement, loyalty and more fulfilled and productive employees.

The report finds:

  • Over nine in ten men believe it is equally acceptable for both women and men to take time out of work to care for their family
  • One in four UK adults will experience ‘sandwich caring’ at some point in their lives – a caring responsibility for both a dependent child and adult
  • 51% of respondents who are caring for dependent adults intend to leave their current organisation in the near future
  • 31% of men and 9% of women feel that a man’s main role is to provide money and resources for his family
  • 1 in 6 men report that they have changed their role within the current organisation or moved to a different organisation to help balance work and caring responsibilities
  • Women are more likely than men to change their work schedule, change their role or change their line of work, to help balance their work and caring responsibilities.

Read the full report (pdf).

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