Age UK report: Behind the Headlines – why the employment rate does not tell the whole story about working longer

In April 2017, Age UK published a report (pdf) warning that the rising employment rate for older workers does not reflect how easy it is for them to stay in paid, secure work.

It’s been well-documented that the number of people aged 50 and over who are in work has increased, both overall and as a proportion of the total labour force. This report looks beyond the headline employment rate, examining in more detail the number of hours typically worked to uncover more about how the labour market has really changed for older workers.

The report found that:

  • Since the recession in 2008, employment rates have been increasing for older people
  • Both older men and women have been affected by cuts to their working hours
  • For some age groups, hours have been cut by over 12 hours per week
  • Negative external factors like the rise of the ‘gig economy’ are likely to be the cause of this trend

Download the full report (pdf).

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