Revolving Doors Agency is looking for proposals for workshops and papers for the Second National Summit on Tackling Multiple Disadvantage (8 to 9 May 2017).
Two years ago, the first National Summit brought together a vibrant network of people with lived experience, service providers, commissioners and policy makers, each with different skills and expertise and all committed to achieving change for people facing multiple disadvantage. This year the Agency are delighted that the conference will add a research focus, as they join forces with the original summit organisers.
They are particularly looking for workshops and papers that are delivered in partnership to help draw links, cross boundaries and demonstrate collaborations between individuals with lived experience, researchers, commissioners, practitioners and policy makers. That said, please do not let the partnership aspect put you off from submitting a proposal. The organizing committee is happy to help bring people together, whether they see the potential for complementary or joint workshop.
Each workshop or paper must fall under at least one of these broad themes:
- drawing expertise from lived experience;
- achieving systems change;
- understanding and responding to diversity;
- and fostering partnership and collaborations to achieve change.
They are keen to publish papers out of the conference, either as a guest journal edition, or as an edited volume. If any of you sit on editorial boards for potentially relevant and interested journals the Agency would welcome you to get in touch to make this possible.