The Legal Directorate of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is inviting legal advisors to contact the Commission if they have a case that resonates with the strategic litigation policy and the business plan of the EHRC and which they think that the Commission would be interested in.
The Commission’s particular areas of interest currently include:
- Education – bullying, exclusions, access and attainment with a focus on disability, Gypsies and Travellers and gender reassignment issues relating to schools.
- Access to health and social care services in particular for those with or at risk of poor mental health.
- Access to services generally in relation to age, gender reassignment, religion or belief and sexual orientation.
- Access to transport for disabled people.
- Employment – relating to discrimination in recruitment and career progression with a focus on age and inter-generational fairness, pregnancy and maternity and religion or belief, and the use of positive action.
- Access to benefits with a focus on disproportionate use of sanctions, failures to make reasonable adjustments in eligibility assessments and the impact of benefit changes on refugees and asylum seekers, and on children.
- Immigration detention, in particular cases concerning mental capacity, or vulnerable detainees (e.g. victims of trafficking), and duration and conditions of detention.
- Unlawful use of restraint in all detention settings.
- Access to civil justice with a focus on the impact of legal aid changes on disabled people and other vulnerable groups, in particular prisoners.
- Treatment of children and young people and transgender people in the criminal justice system including protection from slavery/labour exploitation.
There is no deadline for contacting the Commission.
Legal representatives can call to discuss a referral with Eleanor Williams 07812 674216 or the Lawyers’ Referral Helpline on 0161 829 8407 (Tues to Thurs, 10am to 1pm) for England and Wales. The Lawyers’ Referral helpline can also be accessed on-line at
Individuals who need advice and information about discrimination can contact the Equality Advisory & Support Service.
The letter from Wendy Hewitt, Legal Director was disseminated on 11 May 2016.